Don't let anyone tell you this world is not full of wonder. There are clues and nuggets, hidden passageways, and secret realms all around us. Every place has a history, each person has their story. To us, as a husband and wife filmmaking duo, unearthing these hidden nuggets of wonder is like finding magic where others see same-old-things.
Stories appear to us like Easter eggs barely submerged in our surroundings. They prompt us to ask questions, take pause, and access something much bigger. They go deep into the earth; they launch beyond the stars. They are unique, and they are universal. They are tiny and they are huge.
We've spent over a decade capturing the stories of hundreds of people from all walks of life. Bringing these stories to life is like sharing a piece of that magic with the world. We are a fully stocked, Netflix compliant, equal-opportunity film studio. Welcome to Super Wonder Studios!